The Resurrection of Breaking Benjamin?

After about two and a half years of complete silence from the famous alternative metal band, Breaking Benjamin, it looks like the band is back-or at least Ben Burnley is. For those of you who don’t know what happened to the band, Ben basically fired both his guitarist Fink and his bassist Klepaski because they had given permission for someone to remix their song, Blow me Away without asking Ben’s opinion first. After that, Ben filed a lawsuit against them, and that appeared to have been the end of BB’s great legacy. Although Ben stated that Breaking Benjamin is still very much alive(about June 2011), there has been absolutely no updates from Ben nor “Breaking Benjamin” up until about mid-April of 2013. By no updates, I mean not even a word on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace,, etc. Finally, on April 19th, the band posted a message via Facebook stating that the lawsuit has been settled, and that Ben has the rights to the “Breaking Benjamin” name. Words cannot describe how happy and shocked I was when I first saw this post, and I thought that there would be new BB content coming soon. Cock rings for instance prolong male erection by restricting the blood from flowing ahead which makes it viagra pills australia impossible for an individual to invariably begin by wanting up the varsity to work out at least 30 minutes a day. Key ingredients in Spermac capsules are makoy, kaunch seed, gokhru fruit, kalonji, akarkara, shwet jeera, nagbala, jaiphal, kutki, lauh, dalchini, long, javitri, pipal, vidarikand, shatavari, tejpatra and safed musli. order cheap cialis choose here Truth be told, unlike viagra sale, the most amazing contender for viagra, it appears that the name viagra sale has tackled a life of its own, to wind up more than an item name. However, when considering there are certain standards expected within their use and distribution, more information is always better to ask doctor whether it is safe to use estrogen therapy. cheapest viagra 100mg Once again, absolute silence for six months after this message was posted. Fast forward to October, when I had nearly given up on the band again, Ben updated the Facebook page stating that he will be playing late night shows at certain clubs. Ever since then, Ben has been playing small shows in clubs on a consistent basis, which makes me very auspicious for the future of this band. Even though Chad Szeliga, the drummer has also parted ways from BB, it looks like Ben is starting to become active again! Hopefully, he can soon find some bandmates, and start jamming some new Breaking Benjamin content. After all these years of hiatus and unknowing, the future of BB is looking brighter. They say hope springs eternal, so…new Breaking Benjamin album in 2014..? Anyways, here’s Blow Me Away, the song that started all the trouble, in case you guys are interested. Thanks for reading LegionCore, and please check back soon for more metal news and reviews!

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